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Conditionally create an EBS volume using a snapshot

I’m a big fan of the AWS CDK and I’ve been using it a lot over the last few month while building out projects. One challenge I recently encountered was creating a volume based on some deploy-time parameter in AWS CloudFormation. The idea was to create a volume given a snapshot ID. If the snapshot ID was default I’d create the volume from scratch (i.e. a new volume). TLDR? This solution highlights how you would use a CfnCondition to conditionally create an AWS EBS volume from a snapshot or from scratch.

Working with Startups

I’ve been thinking. Not just today, or this week, but all of this year and a bit of last - and to my knowledge I’ve never done it as much as now. The real question on my mind is no different than any other just-turned-thirty year old: where to go next. It’s taken a small meander away from this path but I’ve hit the open trail and found a bit of a stride working with startups!